Kelsea Anderson

Web developer

About Me

Image of Kelsea Anderson

I'm a web developer living in Milwaukee. I worked as a fashion designer in NYC for several years with web development as a passion of mine before deciding to turn that passion into a career.

My skills include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, SASS/LESS, and several Content Management Systems including Shopify and Umbraco to name a few. I love learning new things and my latest endeavors include React and Vue.js.



Thumbnail image of Molly White's Portfolio Site

Molly White

Work in progress portfolio website for Molly White, a user experience designer. The site uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Thumbnail image of Lindsey Anderson's Portfolio Site

Lindsey B. Anderson

A portfolio website for Lindsey B. Anderson, a writer and editor. The site uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Web Apps

Thumbnail of Pictionary Game

Pictionary Game

A game where one user draws and others guess the secret word. Once a user guesses correctly, a new game is started. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Node.

Thumbnail image of React Activity Tracker App

Activity Tracker

Work in progress activity tracker app using React.

Thumbnail image of Shopping List App

Shopping List App

This is a shopping list app that allows the user to add items, check off items, and delete items. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Thumbnail image of Quiz App

Fashion Quiz

This is a quiz that tests the user's knowledge of fashion and gives their score at the end. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON.

Thumbnail image of Seat Geek API

Seat Geek API Search

This project allows the user to search for artists or performers using the SeatGeek API. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery

Contact Me

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or requests. You can email me directly using the email link below or by filling out the contact form. All of my projects can be found at GitHub at KelseaA.